[Foundation-l] Fundraising & Networking updates

daniwo59 at aol.com daniwo59 at aol.com
Wed Jan 23 21:06:15 UTC 2008

In a message dated 1/23/2008 3:08:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
simon at cols.com.au writes:

Personally, I’m surprised someone from the WMF wouldn’t have just gone  to
one (or a few) of the big computer companies and said, “46m. x  2
international eyeballs/month (and rising). Give us (say) $5M for the  one
year’s sponsorship (in cash or contra)”. What’s that? 2 x 30 sec, spots  on
one country’s superbowl? Sooner or later, if you think like a  private
publisher, this, or something like this, is about the only way  forward. If
you think like a public one, it’s a bit different.  HYPERLINK

Of course, that entails endorsement, which is, in itself, advertising, and  
exclusive advertising at that. When I worked in the office, a major computer  
company suggested just that, but it was turned down. One reason (and not the  
only reason) was because it would have entailed putting "Powered by XXX" on  
every page (there were also hardware issues, but I am not qualified to speak  
about that). 
And if it is decided to go with advertising, there are less obtrusive and  
more financially beneficial ways to do it. And by financially beneficial, I mean 
 by several orders of magnitude.
And we are not beholden to a single company.

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.     

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