[Foundation-l] 1.6 Billion USD to spare? How about liberation of some pictures

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 14:23:22 UTC 2008

On Jan 23, 2008 9:03 AM, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> (Earlier today I floated the idea of using a template to hold tags,
> and a tag search on the toolserver that would read and index them
> every day, Not that I could write the latter. A bit kludgy too.)

That isn't technically challenging at all, so long as we could make
certain assumptions about how the tags are applied. (i.e. always
applied directly, never via transclusion, so that one edit will never
change the tags of 10000 images)

The recent changes rate on commons is very slow (compared to enwp).
Simply having something follow RC and update every entry as it goes by
would not be hard.

Integrating it well with the site is harder ... which is why some
people requested some generic proxy functionality in the API for
accessing persistent lookup daemons was lamented some months back.

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