[Foundation-l] [Commons-l] Wikipedia Invites Users to Take Part in Open, Collaborative Video Experiment

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 20:34:33 UTC 2008

On 19/01/2008, Brion Vibber <brion at wikimedia.org> wrote:

> We're not supporting them at all except insofar as we're encouraging
> them to take it *COMPLETELY* open-source, INCLUDING server-side,
> INCLUDING Ogg Theora, INCLUDING improvements to f/oss alternatives such
> as Gnash, etc. (And yes I know Gnash doesn't solve every problem with
> Flash.)
> Encouraging them to move their tool in the directions we favor is the
> ONLY thing we're doing.
> We won't even consider touching the software itself with a hundred-foot
> pole until they can support the free environment and formats we require.
> That's a condition they're well aware of.

And if they can do a successful VC-funded startup entirely on free
software, it will tremendously help the production of free software;
and if we can help that along, t creates better conditions for us too.

- d.

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