[Foundation-l] [Commons-l] Wikipedia Invites Users to Take Part in Open, Collaborative Video Experiment

Brion Vibber brion at wikimedia.org
Sat Jan 19 20:29:52 UTC 2008

Ben McIlwain wrote:
> Keep in mind, in every other area, we've always favored truly free
> formats over proprietary: SVG, Ogg, etc.  Why stop now?

We're not stopping.

> Why are we
> supporting Kaltura, which isn't really free beyond a trivial open
> sourced MediaWiki plugin?

We're not supporting them at all except insofar as we're encouraging
them to take it *COMPLETELY* open-source, INCLUDING server-side,
INCLUDING Ogg Theora, INCLUDING improvements to f/oss alternatives such
as Gnash, etc. (And yes I know Gnash doesn't solve every problem with

Encouraging them to move their tool in the directions we favor is the
ONLY thing we're doing.

We won't even consider touching the software itself with a hundred-foot
pole until they can support the free environment and formats we require.
That's a condition they're well aware of.

-- brion

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