[Foundation-l] Wikimedia IRC Network - New Channel (#wikimania2008.wikimedia)

E e.wikipedia at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 12:26:10 UTC 2008

Hello all,

Seeing I don't really know where to post this (on foundation-l or wikitech-l), I have decided to post it here and someone can hopefully pass it on to the person that it may concern.

As always, we have RC channels on irc.wikimedia.org for every wiki, and it seems that the #wikimania2008.wikimedia channel has not yet been created for the feed from http://wikimania2008.wikimedia.org.

It seems there has been feeds from previous years, and would like it to be added for myself (and others, if you are interested) so I can monitor the changes.

Kind regards,

English Wikipedia
IRC: TheLetterE
Email: e.wikipedia at gmail.com

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