[Foundation-l] thoughts on leakages

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 10:45:51 UTC 2008

On 13/01/2008, Lars Aronsson <lars at aronsson.se> wrote:

> I'm personally quite happy with the current situation.  So far the
> board hasn't made any major mistakes.  The servers are running and
> everybody should be happy. If the board would go mad, we do have
> copies of the database dumps and the right to fork.  If the board
> would want to run away with the money, there is very little to run
> away with, and this is a safeguard in itself.

The en:wp and Commons image dumps are still iffy, but this has the
devs' attention as important :-)

One of the best protections we have against the Foundation being taken
over by insane space aliens is good database dumps.

- d.

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