[Foundation-l] thoughts on leakages

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Sun Jan 13 09:03:31 UTC 2008

Dan Rosenthal wrote:

> the community as a whole needs to do so, by having impeachment 
> power.

Are you saying that if this mechanism existed today, you would 
find use for it today?

I honestly can't imagine a situation where this would be needed. 
True, such a mechanism is a normal part of the bylaws of 
membership organizations (such as the WMF chapters), but the 
Wikimedia Foundation is not a membership organization.

Wouldn't the introduction of this power in the WMF bylaws require 
a more clear definition of who the "community" is?  Is it just the 
writers, or does it include the readers?  Should the same 
qualifications be used as in previous board elections?

I'm personally quite happy with the current situation.  So far the 
board hasn't made any major mistakes.  The servers are running and 
everybody should be happy. If the board would go mad, we do have 
copies of the database dumps and the right to fork.  If the board 
would want to run away with the money, there is very little to run 
away with, and this is a safeguard in itself.

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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