[Foundation-l] tech team - content community bottleneck

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 10:14:43 UTC 2008

On 13/01/2008, Florence Devouard <Anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thomas Dalton wrote:

> > The devs only make these kind of changes if someone asks them to, so
> > if the rule is made that only ArbComs (or crats/admins if there is no
> > ArbCom) can make such requests then the devs don't have to check with
> > anyone, they just have to verify that the person asking really is a
> > member of the project's ArbCom, which isn't that difficult. It's
> > certainly easier than trying to work out if there's a consensus for
> > the change.

> As far as I know, it is not a role of the arbcom to do such things. It
> looks weird to add new responsibilities.

The en:wp arbcom is not the government of en:wp - it's a body to
resolve intractable interpersonal disputes. People keep wanting it to
act as the government of en:wp, but it really isn't and can't be.

That said, it keeps getting other functions assigned to it -
checkuser, oversight - because there isn't really any other group
suitable for the job. This is likely to become another one, which is
possibly not a good thing.

- d.

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