[Foundation-l] thoughts on leakages

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sun Jan 13 04:48:15 UTC 2008

Dan Rosenthal wrote:
> Exactly, you don't know about the others, and neither do we.  
> Therefore, it's an additional safeguard just in case. Even the most  
> upstanding board member could find themselves in a tough situation and  
> be tempted to take the easy way out, and the threat of an impeachment,  
> so to speak, will act as an impetus for them to always do the right  
> thing, even when that is not the easy thing.
Not necessarily.  While what you describe is one possible outcome, it is 
by no means the only outcome.  Some may even be contrary to what you 
intend.  One easy possibility is that the hypothetical board member in a 
tough situation would just find more effective ways to hide the 
problem.  Advocates of more secure systems fail to recognize that they 
encourage hackers to find ways around the security.  It's a challenge to 
the hackers even when there is no malicious intent.  The deterrent 
theory is unproven.


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