[Foundation-l] Closure of MANY WMF projects

Marco Chiesa chiesa.marco at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 16:16:37 UTC 2008

Chad ha scritto:
> This issue has come up several times before, and I've thought up a solution.
> What if we had a centralized wiki (called archive.wikimedia.org or somesuch)
> where all closed/inactive wikis with a low number of contributions could be
> archived. That way, rather than leaving a Wikiquote locked with 2
> pages and unlikely
> to ever be found, we could have a centralized place where all of these
> low-content
> projects could be placed.
> Thoughts?
> Chad
Somehow it seems to me that the incubator may be the place. However, if 
there's no one interested in incubating, let's just delete the projects 
and restart them if someone bothers.


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