[Foundation-l] [WikiEN-l] Legal obligation to report Wikipedia editor under UCMJ (Mike G weigh in?)

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Wed Jan 2 21:32:58 UTC 2008

Matthew Brown wrote:
> On Jan 2, 2008 10:45 AM, Chad <innocentkiller at gmail.com> wrote:
>> We punish editors for obeying the law? Wow, standards /have/ dropped.
> If someone is under a legal obligation to do something, then they
> should do it.  We are not even contemplating otherwise.  However,
> there are correct ways of handling such an obligation.

It should also not be viewed as a choice whether to "punish" people or 
not. The Arbitration Committee is tasked with resolving disputes to keep 
the English Wikipedia functioning and serving its mission, not with some 
sort of meting out of justice.

It's quite possible that certain people's real-world legal obligations 
are simply incompatible with how we'd like English-Wikipedia admins to 
act, in which case it's best for everyone involved that they follow 
their real-world legal obligations but not be an English-Wikipedia admin 
in order to avoid this conflict.


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