[Foundation-l] My 10 wishes list for 2008

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 15:34:12 UTC 2008

On 02/01/2008, Andrew Whitworth <wknight8111 at gmail.com> wrote:

> > 2. Promotion of lesser known projects
> > I would like these projects to be shown more attention by the
> > Foundation, including more promotion efforts in conferences, press
> > release and promotional leaflets, more interest to their specific
> > technical needs, and more representativity of their communities.

> YES! This is exactly what I want, and what I assume many members of
> the sister projects want as well. We know that we aren't of the same
> stature of Wikipedia, but we are doing some pretty impressive things
> in our own right and could use the occasional helping hand.

When interesting or press-worthy stuff happens, let the comcom know -
can't send press releases for stuff they don't know about.

(We should be putting out at least one general feel-good press release
a week IMO.)

- d.

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