[Foundation-l] when uploading pictures to commons ....

Walter van Kalken walter at vankalken.net
Mon Dec 18 13:13:34 UTC 2006

That is not the point.

IS there nobody here who understands that we make this project for all 
the people out there! Not to satisfy our own geekly lust to pursue the 
latest fashion in computerelectronics and programming.

*It is not about me being able to view this or not*. It is about the 
many many people out there who do not have the latest gear installed on 
their computer, nor will they install the latest gear on their 
computers. But it seems that plea is falling on deaf (wo)mens ears here. 
And it seems with these kind of answers to me that we are just making 
this project for the computersavvy 1% of this world population.

Do we really need to be the trendsetter like with .svg?????? And with 
that exclude the majority of the internetters, including those in the 
countries that we say we set out to help in the first place? Or should 
we follow the herd so we can have a product that the fast majority of 
the people can use? I thought the wikimediaprojects were about the last 
one. We should not be the trendsetters in these areas. Because that 
means nobody can use it.

You are talking about being better supported in a couple of years 
Briana. Ask yourself the question do you want people to be able to use 
this graphics *NOW *or in a couple of years?

Also putting warnings up is strange. Why put them up. Like I said in my 
initial mail. These graphics are *USELESS *when viewed as a thumbnail. 
They might just as well not be there.


>Geez, that is one hugely impressive map. what a labour of love!
>How do you make a "low res" version of an SVG?? the only way is to
>actually take things out of the image, isn't it?
>SVG support is going to improve dramatically over the next few years,
>I imagine. It doesn't seem sound to recommend that people upload
>inferior works when this soon shouldn't be an issue.
>On 18/12/06, Walter van Kalken <walter at vankalken.net> wrote:
>By looking around on commons I found many many
>>maps that gave me this same problem.
>If you can give me a list of the images that caused you problems, I'll
>put a small template on the image pages warning that they might cause
>browser crashes.
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