[Foundation-l] when uploading pictures to commons ....

Brianna Laugher brianna.laugher at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 12:59:46 UTC 2006

Geez, that is one hugely impressive map. what a labour of love!

How do you make a "low res" version of an SVG?? the only way is to
actually take things out of the image, isn't it?

SVG support is going to improve dramatically over the next few years,
I imagine. It doesn't seem sound to recommend that people upload
inferior works when this soon shouldn't be an issue.

On 18/12/06, Walter van Kalken <walter at vankalken.net> wrote:
By looking around on commons I found many many
> maps that gave me this same problem.

If you can give me a list of the images that caused you problems, I'll
put a small template on the image pages warning that they might cause
browser crashes.


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