[Foundation-l] Wikiversity

Cormac Lawler cormaggio at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 09:05:45 UTC 2006

On 8/15/06, Sebastian Moleski <sebmol at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm *very* interested in this new project. I think it's an outstanding idea
> because it might offer the benefit of a college-level education to people
> who don't usually have access to that. That being said, how can I find out
> more about the project and what I can do to help.
> Sebastian

Hi Sebastian,

you can get going right away at:
http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Main_Page (though there's hardly
anything there yet - it's just been set up). If you want to find out
more about what Wikiversity is envisaged to be, you could try the
proposal we wrote at:

Looking forward to working with you (I'm User:Cormaggio everywhere :-))


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