[Foundation-l] Wikiversity

Cormac Lawler cormaggio at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 08:36:33 UTC 2006

On 8/15/06, James Hare <messedrocker at gmail.com> wrote:
> Will Wikiversity even give out diplomas? Or will it be like Wikipedia's
> "we're-good-for-learning-stuff-but-don't-use-us-for-school"?

Wikiversity will not be giving out diplomas (or at least, not for the
foreseeable future). Some people are motivated to getting Wikiversity
to be an accredited institution, but for now, the absolutely most
important part is that we provide useful content as well as a way for
people to consolidate their learning. So, to answer your question,
James, we will attempt to be useful for people who want to self-study
- as well as for teachers who want to use our content in their
classes. So, people can use our content in their own accredited
courses, but wikiversity will not be the place that they get their
certification. (For the foreseeable future - in other words, I can't
even see the course-giving option on the horizon.)

*But*: Wikiversity is designed to allow for active learning
communities to develop around the materials it hosts. So, people can
use Wikiversity, not just for its content, but as a community of
teachers and learners to further their learning (or to help others
with their's).


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