[Foundation-l] Re: International Wikimedia structure

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 21 13:36:50 UTC 2004

In fact, this chapter will be active in French speaking countries only.
I don't think it will be used to promote the project or raise money elsewhere.
So "francophone" just explains where the chapter will be active.

But if the chapter is used to promote regional languages as well, so why not 
called it just "association WIkimédia"?
I don't think it will be confused with the foundation.


This name is fine by me Yann.
But we still do not agree on the association roles.
I am not sure whether it matters or not. 
I think we should discuss the "règlement intérieur" before the association is created, so as to define what "affiliation" mean.


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