[Foundation-l] Re: International Wikimedia structure

Yann Forget yann at forget-me.net
Mon Jun 21 13:18:04 UTC 2004

Anthere, can you copy your answers to <wikifr-l at wikipedia.org> ?
I think that it's interesting for the French speaking people who didn't 
subscribe to the <foundation-l at wikimedia.org> list.

Le Monday 21 June 2004 14:22, Anthere a écrit :
> Sorry, but to my opinion, the contradiction is precisely on your side.
> I know that I am a minority on this issue, but I would like to say that I
> think this name is probably one of the reason why we are *right now*
> confused on the role of the association.
> When I say it should be called Wikimédia France, I use a fact. I give a
> descriptive name. The description of its legal localisation, and there is
> no objection to say that it will be legally created in France. It is a
> fact, it is a *certainty*. It is not pov :-) It is a reality. Hence, the
> name does not hold contradiction with the description of the association
> itself. It will be *an association created under the french law*.
> On the other hand, you object that we should call it Wikimedia Francophone,
> because *in the foreseable future, it will not be acting in France only*.
> I agree. Well, I hope it is so. I am not sure it will happen. This is not a
> fact, this is a wish. Perhaps it will come true, perhaps not. It is the
> future, and it is just a wish, nothing else. But I hope it will happen. I
> do not know exactly why, but I think that canadians will be disappointed
> though. Just a feeling :-)
> Second, if I perfectly agree it should not be acting in France only, this
> name you are trying to impose also implies it will *primarily* act to
> promote the project in french-speaking countries only. It is not a name
> based on fact, it is a name that holds a very strong connotation. It openly
> says it "the goal of this association is to help french speaking projects".
> And you actually say it yourself, it is to help promoting french language
> and set a miror or working server in France. In short, it is openly
> dissociating itself from the global project. It is openly supporting only
> part of the project. Not the project globally.

In fact, this chapter will be active in French speaking countries only.
I don't think it will be used to promote the project or raise money elsewhere.
So "francophone" just explains where the chapter will be active.

But if the chapter is used to promote regional languages as well, so why not 
called it just "association WIkimédia"?
I don't think it will be confused with the foundation.

> This is why Wikimedia francophone is not an adequate name to my opinion.
> And this is precisely why we are currently all realising we *do not* have
> the same perception of what should be the association and which roles it
> should have.
> And I want to insist that I really do not want to exclude non french people
> here. Some of my favorite french-speaking are not french :-) And they will
> be very precious in the french association :-) I think the french
> association is just part of the global scheme, and it is obvious nearby
> countries will be served till they have an association on their own and
> people from all nationalities are welcome to help. I am sorry Yann, but I
> just think you are trying to make it appear more political than it should
> be. And I won't support that with happiness. Just my opinion.


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