[Wikimedia-DC] Board meeting on September 10

Kirill Lokshin kirill.lokshin at wikidc.org
Fri Sep 9 17:57:55 UTC 2011

Hello everyone,

The Board of Directors of the Wiki Society of Washington DC, Inc. will hold
a meeting at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library (901 G Street NW,
Washington, DC) immediately following the DC Meetup #22 session at the same
location.  The meeting is scheduled to begin at 3:00 PM, and the order of
business is attached.

Everyone who will be present at the meetup is very welcome to stay and
attend the meeting as well.  The meeting can also be attended via conference
call (916-209-4534, PIN # 7328117).


Kirill Lokshin | Secretary
Wiki Society of Washington, DC Inc.
kirill.lokshin at wikidc.org | http://wikidc.org
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