[Wikimania-l] Developer's Q/A - meet that hackers at Wikimania

KIZU Naoko aphaia at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 13:01:34 UTC 2011


I think it'll be great. Not at this moment rightly, but sometimes in
the past I would have liked to ask devs questions tiny and hence
hesitate to post to wikitech-l. IRC helped somehow but timezones have
been always a barrier, and in these days I tend not to know who to
speak, even if I still know some of devs and sysadmins personally and
have realized enough none of them would bite.

I guess I wouldn't be an exception in this community and such a
face-to-face Q/A time in a relaxed atmosphere would help a lot.


On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 9:47 PM, Daniel Kinzler <daniel at brightbyte.de> wrote:
> Hello all
> As you probably know, this year's Wikimania will again feature hacking days
> (which I help to organize), just before Wikimania proper. However, the current
> setup is missing an opportunity for developers and chapter people to get
> together and talk about what the community wants and needs.
> So, I would like to propose to have a Q/A session where the community can ask
> questions to developers. I'd like to do this during Wikimania proper, so
> everyone has a chance to attend.
> The question is: are people interested? Or is it just my silly idea?
> I feel that people often have "small" questions that developers could answer
> quickly, or there are long standing issues and it's unclear why they don't get
> fixed. But often people don't know who to ask, or when or how. At the Wikimedia
> Conference in Berlin last year, some people used the opportunity to grab a
> techie, which was good, but it was while standing up, over coffee. I'd like to
> give this a bit more time, space and especially attention.
> So, would you be interested in such a session? Or do you know people who would be?
> Please let me know.
> Cheers
> Daniel
> PS: Danese suggested a "fishbowl" type session for this. I think that's a good
> idea. Look it up on Wikipedia if you don't know what it is - I didn't :)
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KIZU Naoko / 木津尚子
member of Wikimedians in Kansai  / 関西ウィキメディアユーザ会 http://kansai.wikimedia.jp

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