[Wikimania-l] Test of Registration system

Aphaia aphaia at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 03:30:46 UTC 2007

On 3/1/07, christophe.henner at wikimedia.fr <christophe.henner at gmail.com> wrote:
> > * What is ATM way of payment?  Is it a Money order?
> I think it's a wrong translation, ATM is the Cash Machine, so  ATM
> meant credit card working only with cash machine and not for paiment,

ATM stands for "Auto-teller maschine", cash machine of bank, credit
card company etc. For ongoing Japanese version I didn't translate it
literally, but "Interbank transaction"; it simply means you can send
your fee to a certain Taiwan Bank account directly (with their account
number), and you can do so not only via ATM (perhasp international
bank transaction is hard on ATM), but also with a teller who sit on
your bank's counter...

KIZU Naoko
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