[WikiIT-l] Fwd: [Foundation-l] Wikimedia Serbia statement on recent events around Italian Wikipedia

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki a gmail.com
Mar 4 Ott 2011 18:56:56 UTC

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: [Foundation-l] Wikimedia Serbia statement on recent events 
around	Italian Wikipedia
Data: Tue, 4 Oct 2011 20:34:25 +0200
Mittente: Milos Rancic

Wikimedia Serbia supports Italian Wikipedians in denouncing the
proposed law in the Italian Senate known as the "Wiretapping Act" and
its paragraph 29, which undermines the free speech standards of our

Wikimedia Serbia fully supports the protest of Italian Wikipedians and
hopes that the decision of the Senate will be withdrawn.

Wikimedia Serbia calls on other Wikimedia chapters, as well as the
Wikimedia Foundation, to make concrete steps towards pressuring the
Italian Senate and government to withdraw this law, in coordination
with Wikimedia Italy. These steps could include sending electronic and
regular mail to Italian government institutions by members of
Wikimedia chapters and other Wikimedians, as well as peaceful protests
in front of Italian embassies all over the world.


;For background, see
* http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utente:Vituzzu/comunicato/en
* emails, starting from:

This statement on Wikimedia Serbia site:

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