[WikiIT-l] [Fwd: [Foundation-l] Differences between projects...] Strumenti per il contrasto del vandalismo

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki a gmail.com
Gio 30 Set 2010 07:01:41 UTC

Elimino la parte principale del messaggio per chiedere un chiarimento su 
questo punto: non so da dove vengano tali cifre, ma Risker suggerisce 
che en.wiki grazie ai vari strumenti per il contrasto del vandalismo 
(«Huggle, Twinkle, Friendly, the edit filters, reverting bots») ci sia 
molto meno da fare (nel senso che si è piú efficienti) e centinaia di 
utenti di en.wiki abbiano potuto dedicarsi ad altro.
A parte le cifre esatte, io non ho mai capito perché in it.wiki non si 
usa (quasi) nulla di tutto ciò. Qualcuno me lo sa spiegare?


-------- Messaggio Originale  --------
Oggetto: [Foundation-l] Differences between projects with common versus 
highly diverse cultural backgrounds (was Re: Pending Changes)
Data: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 00:49:36 -0400
Da: Risker


Indeed, the number of de:WP editors with >100
edits/month has remained very stable since January 2006. (The number of
en:WP editors was essentially the same in January 2006 as at present, but
hit its peak in April 2007. Let's not cherry pick the data too much, okay?)

As an aside for those interested in the historical perspective, the massive
increase in the number of editors on en:WP coincides with a massive influx
of vandalism, and over a thousand editors did almost nothing *but* revert or
otherwise address vandalism. As better and more effective tools have been
developed to address that problem - Huggle, Twinkle, Friendly, the edit
filters, reverting bots, semi-protection, etc - the number of editors needed
to manage vandalism has diminished dramatically. In other words, that
1300-editor difference may largely be accounted for because those whose only
skill was vandal-fighting have moved on. That's not to say there is no
vandalism on en:WP today; there's still plenty of it.


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