[WikiIT-l] [Fwd: [cultural-partners] Code to mass-deal with DjVuS]

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki a gmail.com
Dom 12 Set 2010 07:51:03 UTC

Credo di far contento almeno un iscritto alla lista inoltrando questo.


-------- Messaggio Originale  --------
Oggetto: [cultural-partners] Code to mass-deal with DjVuS
Data: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 00:27:47 +0200
Da: Seb35

Hello everybody,

I just released the code we used to transform and transfer the books given
by the BnF:

It is highly customized for our needs and is perhaps difficult to read
because we didn’t have a lot of time. But if someone need to (mass-)deal
with DjVuS, we (Users:Jean-Frédéric, Seb35, Plyd -- the two first are on
this list) can answer to the questions.

We thought create a proper any2djvu, but we renounced to that idea because
of the many details which influence the transformation into DjVuS.


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