[WikiFR-l] WP proxy: solution

Yann Forget yann at forget-me.net
Mar 20 Juil 12:28:10 UTC 2004

<yannf> but we are wondering how to redirect the connection to the proxy
<gwicke> dns
<yannf> i suggested we use wikipedia.fr
<gwicke> fr.wikipedia.org can point to the paris ips
<dammit> the location-based dns response should not be too difficult
<gwicke> or that
<dammit> like serving RIPE space from .fr
<gwicke> super sparrow or similar
<dammit> and the rest from florida
<CIA-7> timwi * phase3/languages/Language.php: Better wording (IMHO).
<yannf> dammit: how do you do that?
<yannf> that's what med suggested
<dammit> yannf, using software, obviously
<dammit> if you're not going to do that on ASn-level
<gwicke> http://www.supersparrow.org/
<dammit> then djbdns would be enough
<dammit> gwicke: well, supersparrow would be too difficult to maintain
<dammit> you can even use bind views
<dammit> for this purpose actually
<gwicke> more complex, yes
<gwicke> but better failover/load balancing
<-- janna has quit (Remote closed the connection)
<yannf> ok i got it
<gwicke> not really necessary for this proxy
<dammit> http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space
<dammit> take RIPE addresses from this
<dammit> and put them in bind view acl ;-)
<yannf> i didn't know super sparrow
--> janna (~janna at tamqfl1-ar9-4-63-108-033.tamqfl1.dsl-verizon.net) has joined 
<gwicke> but potentially very useful for the next ones
<gwicke> would reduce the need for multiple servers per proxy location

http://www.non-violence.org/ | Site collaboratif sur la non-violence
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