[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia article on [[Santorum (neologism)]]

Ken Arromdee arromdee at rahul.net
Thu May 26 21:07:31 UTC 2011

On Thu, 26 May 2011, George Herbert wrote:
> The *term* shows him in a negative light, but the *incident* actually
> shows him responding maturely and responsibly.

This is an artificial distinction that happens to fit Wikipedia rules, but not
reality.  Spreading the term automatically shows him in a negative light,
in the same way that spreading a denial gives credence to the claim that is

I have a modest proposal: change the title to read "Dan Savage campaign
against Rick Santorum" or something else which has Dan Savage's name in it.
Some people have already suggested this, but I will bet that the same editors
who want the 100 link template in will argue vehemently against this.

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