[WikiEN-l] declining numbers of EN wiki admins - The theory that making it easier to get rid of admins is a solution to the decline in their active numbers

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Mon May 31 19:28:33 UTC 2010

On 31 May 2010 19:46, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <abd at lomaxdesign.com> wrote:

> These are issues that I've been thinking about for almost thirty
> years, and with Wikipedia, intensively, for almost three years
> specifically (and as to on-line process, for over twenty years). So
> my comments get long. If that's a problem for you, don't read it.

... Has it really not occurred to you that *you're* trying to convince
*us* of something? In which case, conciseness is likely more useful
than defiant logorrhea ... Oh, never mind.

- d.

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