[WikiEN-l] declining numbers of active EN wiki admins

Andrew Gray andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk
Fri May 28 23:11:34 UTC 2010

On 28 May 2010 17:29, AGK <wikiagk at gmail.com> wrote:

> In any case, he certainly has a point. Having to wade through the
> nonsense that gets submitted to Wikipedia is a huge time leech.
> Suggesting otherwise is silly.

Mmm. I think it's unavoidable, though - perhaps the question should be
how can we distribute that workload better among our many active

The basic problem is: the volume of crap new articles is simply a
function of the volume of all contributions. If we accept articles in
a way that isn't so difficult as to drive off most casual
contributors, people are still going to *try* to submit junk.

Regardless of what technically happens to that submitted junk, and how
many boxes they tick in the process, we'll still fundamentally have a
space people can put prospective article content into, and someone has
to say no to it.

The time consumption of turning it down is probably going to be
approximately the same regardless of what the hurdles are... unless we
come back full circle to raising the barriers so high that we
significantly reduce the number of *all* articles submitted, and
that's undesirable for a whole host of reasons.

- Andrew Gray
  andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk

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