[WikiEN-l] Reliable sources— some of these babies are ugly

Nathan nawrich at gmail.com
Mon May 17 19:40:32 UTC 2010

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Ken Arromdee <arromdee at rahul.net> wrote:

> If "riddled with errors" means "has more (frequent) errors than other
> sources", then this makes some sense.
> If "riddled with errors" means "has errors that we have recently had our
> attention called to" or "has errors that happen to be about some subject we
> are personally pissed off about", then it's a very bad idea.

I agree, and that's why I suggested any decision to "delist" a source
as presumptively reliable be based on an analysis of a selection of
published content. Shmuel wrote that the purpose of identifying
reliable sources is to keep editors from making stuff up -- but we
exclude all sorts of sources that aren't editors making stuff up,
based on a potentially faulty assumption about their editorial review.
So rather than aiming to prohibit hoaxes, rules about RS are an
attempt to weed out chronically unreliable sources. If we find that a
traditionally reliable source of facts has become chronically
unreliable, then it should face the same scrutiny as blogs or personal
websites prior to being cited.


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