[WikiEN-l] Fwd: [Foundation-l] Along with Vector, a new look for changes to the Wikipedia identity

William Pietri william at scissor.com
Fri May 14 21:49:05 UTC 2010

On 05/14/2010 02:07 PM, AGK wrote:
> On 14 May 2010 22:02, William Pietri<william at scissor.com>  wrote:
>> Was there something about their prototype that you wanted to see
>> included on flaggedrevs.labs?
> Really just the vector skin and the other arrangements that have just
> been rolled out on enwiki. I guess vector doesn't make much of a
> difference to how the FlaggedRevs extension interacts with Wikipedia's
> users, but it'd be nice to see how things would look on enwiki as it
> is now.

That would definitely be nice to have, but at first blush it doesn't 
strike me as worth delaying launch for. Unless somebody disagrees, I'll 
put it on our after-launch to-do list.

> I'm also wondering if we will have a keyboard shortcut for pages that
> have changes awaiting review? At the moment, if I open a page and want
> to delete it, I can press ctrl+alt+d to bring up the deletion
> interface. Will, say, ctrl+alt+r bring up the changes awaiting review?

That's a great idea. It seems like both the changes for the current page 
and the list of pages with unreviewed changes are things that people 
would like to get at easily. That also strikes me as a nice-to-have, and 
I imagine that the usability team has more knowledge of and some 
opinions on the big keymapping picture, so I'll discuss it with them.


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