[WikiEN-l] The new look to Wikipedia

WereSpielChequers werespielchequers at googlemail.com
Thu May 13 12:46:47 UTC 2010

I couldn't find the deletion and block buttons, and all the scripts
various people have set me up with disappeared. So I've reverted to
the old skin; At least they made it easy to do that.

> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 12:38:56 +0100
> From: AGK <wikiagk at googlemail.com>
> Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] The New Look
> To: English Wikipedia <wikien-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
> Message-ID:
>        <AANLkTilBW5AnksocwRk1SKYEuQ_43vuzCNoMm6Vatqqv at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>> Cameron and Clegg have got to WP already? No, I must be confused, but
>> the "new look" has arrived on our pages.
> I don't really like it either. But whilst from an editor's point of
> view the skin is less suitable than monobook (or even modern), I think
> our readers will enjoy the new layout. The redesign seemed to be
> well-received in any publications that gave a preview of the proposed
> changes:
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2010/mar/29/wikipedia-redesign
> But although it's too early for the mainstream media to have covered
> the redesign, what reception the blogosphere has given it seems to be
> generally negative. (Google 'wikipedia new design' and take a look at
> the blog posts and comments. But take the comments with a pinch of
> salt; typically, only those with some kind of axe to grind will
> comment on a blog post.)
>> My first reaction is that the watchlist arrangements are cryptic. (I was
>> always going to hate having to scroll to the top for the search box.)
> I prefer the old location for the search box, yes. But I think that's
> because I'm _used_ to it being on the left. I think the usability team
> gave a rationale at one point for the new box location, and I seem to
> recall it being quite a sound one.
> I don't know what you mean to say about the watchlist arrangements.
> Are you referring to the little star in place of a 'watch' tab?


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