[WikiEN-l] Interesting exchange on copyright

Nathan nawrich at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 00:11:37 UTC 2010

This blog post[1], from the music composer Jason Robert Brown,
discusses the morality and legality of copyright in the context of
sheet music. It's based around an exchange with a teenager that
evolves into a pretty interesting debate. It mentions Wikipedia, and
links to other discussions that popped up in response. The ignorance
of the basics of copyright law, and the ramifications in the Internet
age, echo whats been written about (and on) Wikipedia over the years.

Also on the same subject, David Pogue and Michael Hawley (formerly of
MIT Medialab): http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/08/technology/personaltech/08pogue-web.html

[1] http://www.jasonrobertbrown.com/weblog/2010/06/fighting_with_teenagers_a_copy.php

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