[WikiEN-l] Webypedia - another doomed alternative to Wikipedia

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Sun Aug 29 13:51:52 UTC 2010

On 29 August 2010 13:57, Carl (CBM) <cbm.wikipedia at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 4:56 AM, WereSpielChequers
> <werespielchequers at gmail.com> wrote:

>> but as they evidently haven't sussed that Wikipedia is in truth the
>> encyclopaedia largely written by anonymous IP editors,

> Perhaps that is true in some areas, but the articles I edit on
> wikipedia (on mathematics) are almost completely written by registered
> editors.  If you'd like to explain what criteria you use for "largely
> written", I would be interested in testing whether articles in various
> fields meet that criteria.

Aaron Swartz found that most of the text is written by IPs, with the
regulars then formatting the heck out of it.

(I looked just now and found his initial 2006 post on the topic, but
I'm pretty sure he wrote a more detailed assessment.)

- d.

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