[WikiEN-l] Superusers?

Ian Woollard ian.woollard at gmail.com
Fri Aug 27 01:01:12 UTC 2010

On 27/08/2010, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> To swing this, you'd probably need quite a large amount of AFD closure
> data demonstrating (preferably inarguable) bias. Ideally, you'd need
> to show that it was inherent to the process, rather than because of a
> few individuals not sufficiently checking their biases at the door.

I would expect that that could be done, but I'd have to think about
it. But if the process allows people not to check their biases at the
door, then that's a problem in the process.

Actually, the politics of the Wikipedia would probably make an
interesting case-study for some academic.

> (this is evaluating your arguments, rather than an opinion on whether
> what they argue for is good or not)

That's perfectly fair enough. It may even be that it's not a good
idea. The principle of unexpected consequences and all that.

> - d.

-Ian Woollard

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