[WikiEN-l] FBI vs. Wikipedia

Carcharoth carcharothwp at googlemail.com
Mon Aug 9 11:15:11 UTC 2010

You may be right. Changing subject slightly, does that argument apply
with currency counterfeiting laws? I know this thread isn't about
currency images, but Commons does actually pay a fair amount of
respect to concerns that currency could be counterfeited, which has
always surprised me somewhat, given that most currencies now use
security methods that no high-resolution image will help with when



On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 11:43 AM, FT2 <ft2.wiki at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think the "high resolution helps forgers and impersonators" argument is
> spurious.
> Let's assume the logo were to be used improperly. Most people don't know
> what the "right" logo is. A decent image quality (straight lines, etc) would
> fool most people if it looked "professional" whether technically accurate or
> not. Social engineering does the rest (not everyone will argue with someone
> who claims forcefully they are FBI). Basic image cleanup is something anyone
> can do these days and any computer can tidy up a poor quality image to look
> "clean" (photoshop). If there was doubt asd to appearance most impersonators
> only need to google image: "fbi badge" to get close enough.
> In simple terms I don't see any merit whatsoever to a claim that a good
> quality copy helps impersonators. Any impersonator will easily be able to do
> the job well enough to fool most people, and any capable impersonator will
> not be affected by Wikimedia's decision.
> FT2
> On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 5:11 PM, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 8 August 2010 16:57, Charles Matthews
>> <charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com> wrote:
>> > I think I found the word, early in 2007. Misunderstanding that Gerard is
>> > more g'day than have a nice is a poor basis for any such judgement.
>> Yes, the thread has been rather non sequitur all the way down. Assume
>> some bad faith and why, it's a microcosm!
>> - d.
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