[WikiEN-l] (Active Voice) Where went the man?

Jay Litwyn brewhaha at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Thu May 21 08:59:33 UTC 2009

"Eugene van der Pijll" <eugene at vanderpijll.nl> wrote in message 
news:20090521074620.GA594 at alva.mail.gmail.com...
> Jay Litwyn schreef:
>> Where did that donkey kick a man?
> Your point is unclear. If you think [[Politics and the English
> Language]] needs a better intro, take it to that talk page.

If it were a standard essay, rather than an explanation of the difference 
between active and passive voice,
then it would hav a point that was not trying to be cute in leading to a 
tagline. I am disallowed from talk pages and e-mail. The admin who started 
the process against me egzajerated his claims against me, did not finish the 
process or contribute to my claims against him, and he did indicate 
frustration with my communications, so I desisted communication with him.

All I might do is link point four to the wikipedia guideline on active 
voice. The definition of <a 
href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_passive_voice"> passive voice</a> 
needs work. I see no way to make the declaration of independence into active 
voice, and that was not done in the article, either, so I do not think it is 
a good example. If it can be activated, then it should be done to show the 
antonym, active voice. If not, then someone should find a better example.
Spammerz suk Uranus tiL they're fuL uv politiks. 

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