[WikiEN-l] Google Starts Including Wikipedia on Its News Site

Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Mon Jun 22 18:18:40 UTC 2009

Steve Summit wrote:
> I'm not saying we're doing anything wrong, any more than Google
> News is doing anything wrong.  But as Zachary Seward has
> described [1], we're viewed (by Google itself) as one of the
> web-2.0-ey things that will displace conventional journalism.
> This isn't the place to debate how conventional journalism
> can rescue itself (or where the new niche for investigative
> journalists will be), but it's a pretty interesting question.
There's room for some amusement here ([[Raymond Smullyan]]-type 
self-reference or the worm [[Ouroboros]], depending on your preferred 
reading). The media is increasingly self-swallowing and at the same time 
journalists are writing more and more about the media. But what WP does 
cannot possibly displace totally "conventional journalism" in the sense 
of originating reporting.  I'd certainly be interested in what someone 
from the wire services had to say, rather than those who are in it for a 
Pulitzer.  And there are other angles, of course. Proper information is 
what moves markets, so those who have that information in a timely way 
will always have something to sell. 


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