[WikiEN-l] collective or collaborative areas of Wikipedia

geni geniice at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 22:41:41 UTC 2009

2009/6/19 Emily Monroe <bluecaliocean at me.com>:
>> Varies from project to project over time. Some are quite collaborative
>> others more stick to highlighting weak points and standardisation.
> I guess whatever floats their boat is what's best for them.
> I notice, from time to time, that some wikiprojects I run across have
> become inactive.  It's sad, really--almost like a memorial to once
> might've been a tight-knit community. Even if it wasn't, still...
> What should we do that about that? One thing I'm worried about is, is
> the less collaborative ones more likely to become inactive? Should we
> write an short paragraph in the signpost about any wikiproject that's
> *just about* to go inactive? I know there's an article about
> wikiprojects in every signpost.

Too many. In most cases they are best thought of as being in statis.
Whatever targets the original people wanted to meet have either been
met, abandoned or people have moved on to another forum. If a couple
of new people come along with fresh targets they can re-awake.


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