[WikiEN-l] a language issue

Jay Litwyn brewhaha at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Thu Jun 4 05:13:43 UTC 2009

"stevertigo" <stvrtg at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:7c402e010904281455n34954f63q2a196113486540e7 at mail.gmail.com...
> Listers,
> I've submitted a suggestion at
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Burials
> with regard to how burials can be referenced in more encyclopedic language
> than currently used.
> Comments and criticism welcome.

Klingons would approve. I do not know what you would link it to in the style 
guide to promote the viewpoint that a dead body is only an empty shell. I do 
not think you would get objections if you did a search for places where you 
could insert "Isaac Asimov's [body] is interred at...". XXXX-1996. 

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