No subject

Thu Jul 16 06:53:57 UTC 2009

going to want to think more carefully about their contribution. On average
they want all of their edits to remain in the encyclopedia for a long time.
They might not want to be bold and thoughtless because that means they are
simply planting a seed for another editor to improve on, making it easier
for that other editor to improve their reputation at the stake of your
reputation. You might want to start your seed of an edit as a draft and
improve it over time, only finally submitting it to the encyclopedia after
it is already high quality and likely to stick.

I tend to think that the latter version is healthier than encouraging
everyone to contribute every thought that they have. Similar to the
[[Foot-in-the-door technique]], first we convinced you to edit this page,
now we'd like to ask you to spend some time thinking about your edit before
you submit it. If you do, your reputation will improve and your peers will
respect your edits more in the future.

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