[WikiEN-l] A modest proposal - a recap of resolution-l

stevertigo stvrtg at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 13:53:08 UTC 2009

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Luna<lunasantin at gmail.com> wrote:

> It's almost as if the vast bulk of discussion takes place on the wiki, or
> something.

So, anyway, no. High level dispute resolution deliberations don't seem
to happen on the wiki, and this has brought about a general lack of
responsiveness, and has also negated open discussion itself to a
certain degree.

Keep in mind that people get their motivation from different places -
and in my case my recent Arbitration case left me with a certain
reminder of something that I had not dealt with before - that Arbcom's
deliberations are private, it does not like treating people like
people, and it thinks of itself as a kind of monolith of decision. So,
the idea I had a few years ago about a 'formal process for resolving
disputes' has been a resounding success, but it has also become quite
bureaucratic, overworked, and insular.

> That, specifically, is something I find missing from your proposal: an
> earnest explanation of what this gives us that on-wiki discussion cannot.
> Personally, I think it sounds likely to fragment discussion and encourage
> forum shopping, aside from giving people the feeling they've been run around
> -- even if you personally have a firm idea of the list's remit, other people
> will not.

An open mailing list for dispute resolution will bring about greater
openness and wikilove.

It's true though that I long ago argued that wikien-l was not the
place for discussing on-wiki disputes, and its gratifying to see how
people have over time incorporated that idea. But its my notion that
we can and should discuss dispute resolutions in a more open and
centralized way, and I think a dedicated mailing list would work in
that respect.

> Your increasingly incessant personal attacks and use of the royal "we" --
> what else could you be referring to? -- are a but off-putting, as well.

I appreciate the fact that someone perceived as making personal
attacks will be chastised by you and others, but the fact of the
matter is that I have never made any personal attacks against Cary or
anyone else in this matter. A couple sarcastic or pointy responses to
similarly sarcastic or rude commentary do not qualify. Your
"incessant" term is a gross mischaracterization.


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