[WikiEN-l] Reporting Grawp to Verizon

Kurt Maxwell Weber kmw at deepthought.armory.com
Thu Jan 29 21:20:40 UTC 2009

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 07:47:05PM +0000, Chris Down wrote:
> Divulging his IP to his provider seems standard, advisable, and perfectly
> ethical. We aren't just talking about minor vandalism, he has inspired
> numerous copycats and has harassed (or his copycats have) many editors.
> I've not looked, but if our privacy policy disallows this even in such
> circumstances as this, we need to look at revising it.

My objection is not and has never been to giving the information to Verizon.  Had you bothered to read my original e-mail, you would know that what I object to is the disclosure of this information on a publicly-archived mailing list.

Kurt Weber
<kmw at armory.com>

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