[WikiEN-l] Reporting Grawp to Verizon

Wilhelm Schnotz wilhelm at nixeagle.org
Fri Jan 30 03:35:10 UTC 2009

You don't need to publish that unless you/we plan to use it as
evidence for a report to his ISP.

What I mean is the socks and IP ranges should be kept track of in some
manner somewhere if it is intended to be reported to his ISP and of
course the normal amount required for admins to act on the
information. (what information is released needs to be kept somewhere
easy to search (SSP))

Further tracking of his activity is probably better done on wikipedia
(using a case named for him in WP:SSP). I don't think much more can be
done or said about him on this thread.

On 1/29/09, Sam Korn <smoddy at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 12:33 AM, Wilhelm Schnotz <wilhelm at nixeagle.org>
> wrote:
>> If you have *working* ideas feel free to tell us, we have already
>> programmed bots that do nothing but look for his vandalism. We *have*
>> done everything we possibly can on wiki that I can think of. The only
>> on wiki action left to us is to block all of his ISP from editing. If
>> you have alternative ideas speak out.
>> To those on this thread, possibly move this to a page on wikipedia
>> (the proxy project, or a case in his name on WP:SSP) Regardless some
>> of his information needs to be published so we can deal with him. (on
>> wikipedia or here makes no difference, both are public)
> Wikis have this advantage of being editable, of course...
> Name, location, IP address, everything, though?  This is completely
> pointless.  I fail to see any fashion in which publishing such
> information aids the effort to counter him.  I am not blind to the
> problems he has caused -- I have spent no little time in dealing with
> him -- but I will not agree that this thread and the complete
> disregard for private data that it has contained are useful or
> justifiable.
> Sam
> --
> Sam
> PGP public key: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Sam_Korn/public_key
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