[WikiEN-l] Watch out Wikipedia, here comes Britannica 2.0

WJhonson at aol.com WJhonson at aol.com
Thu Jan 22 04:07:20 UTC 2009

In a message dated 1/21/2009 8:04:30 PM Pacific Standard Time,  
keithold at gmail.com writes:

New  features enabling the inclusion of this user-generated content will  be
rolled out on the encyclopedia's website over the next 24 hours,  *
Britannica's* president, Jorge Cauz, said in an interview today." (More  in

I had sent him a scathing email denigrating him for not allowing direct  user 
For some time, they allowed you to *email* them additions and corrections,  
and I pointed out how ridiculously last decade that was.  And how if they  
don't shape up ...like now dude.... they would be history.  Buried by  Wikipedia.
I notice they didn't mention my name in that article however.   Shameless!
Will Johnson
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