[WikiEN-l] Annoying exonyms (was: hatnotes)

geni geniice at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 17:46:43 UTC 2009

2009/8/24 Carcharoth <carcharothwp at googlemail.com>:
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 1:36 AM, <WJhonson at aol.com> wrote:
> <snip>
>> You silly goose.  Don't you realize that when we all have brain implants
>> that retain a quintabyte that the internet won't exist at all.  We'll be in
>> constant streaming twitter mode all the time.  There won't be "articles" per
>> se, and you won't get input from a single page, you'll get continuous input
>> from a million sources simultaneously in twitt-bits.
> <look of abject horror>
> I wouldn't be so horrified if that didn't sound so plausible.
> Is it too late to try the 'Culture' route? (Iain M. Banks)
> Carcharoth

That would be where they had several billion people vote on if cable
cars should be installed in an area that was meant to be a wasteland.

Preservationeers vs Pylonists was painfully familiar.

In practice the end point of Natural language processing and large
scale digitalisation is likely to be made to request computer
generated custom articles. Wikipedia with it's surprisingly structured
entries is likely to be used as a significant stepping stone in this


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