[WikiEN-l] Civility poll results

Carcharoth carcharothwp at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 12 14:27:10 UTC 2009

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Ken Arromdee<arromdee at rahul.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Aug 2009, Surreptitiousness wrote:
>> I think the same thing applies to
>> our civility policy.  If we want it to be respected, we have to start
>> blocking people if they refer to another user as a "cunt", no matter
>> what the provocation.
> Do this and you've suddenly made provocation a lot more profitable for the
> provoker.
> There's a reason why zero tolerance policies are considered unjust in real
> life by just about everyone who's thought about them.

And just think what would happen if there was zero tolerance on those
abusing a zero tolerance rule to get their opponents blocked. Of
course, the former is a bright-line rule, the latter requires
judgment. Pointing out where people game the system the other way,
being brash and aggressive because they think they won't be blocked,
also requires judgment. Not all these judgments will be correct.


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