[WikiEN-l] Fair-use music samples in articles

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Sun Sep 28 20:27:16 UTC 2008

On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 1:14 PM, Carl Beckhorn <cbeckhorn at fastmail.fm> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 12:25:05PM -0400, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
>> If the text says "Many Clapton songs begin with a rhythmic kazoo
>> solo", then by all means give us an example.
> I would think that is a classic example of a rationale we do not accept.
> WP:NFCC#1 includes this test: "Could the subject be adequately conveyed
> by text without using the non-free content at all?"  If the only point
> of the kazoo solo sound clip is to reinforce the point that the songs
> include kazoo solos, that usage can be replaced by text.

Sorry, in an effort to produce an amusing example I failed to produce
a good one.  I should leave the humor to the comedians. Though with a
little modification my example stands: you could make some point about
kazoo harmonization or kazoo acoustic texture which text would fail to
adequately convey...

The point I was really trying to make is that the media needs to be a
part of the discussion, not merely something bolted onto the side of
the discussion. It's important point because most people have
experience with things like fan-sites and catalogs (i.e. IMDB) that
often use media in a rather bolt-on fashion.  Your reply pointed out
an additional requirement:  That being part of the discussion is
necessary but not sufficient, it has to be an *important*, or even an
almost essential part of the discussion.

Thank you pointing out the misleading part of my message.

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