[WikiEN-l] Slashdot article

WJhonson at aol.com WJhonson at aol.com
Mon Oct 27 00:25:15 UTC 2008

Choosing what goes into the header of a subject is always a matter of  
selection and discrimination on the part of each editor.
Some people typically put all of a subject's occupation into the  header.  I 
don't.  I think most people think of Francis Bacon as a  philosopher even if 
he was also a mathematician, author, botanist,  politician, courtier, military 
leader, teacher and astronomer.
"Weight" is enforced by the multitude of editors adding and changing  
articles.  Once it becomes apparent that part of a header doesn't belong,  we are 
each, and all able to fix it.  But that doesn't make putting  something into the 
header an "error" or "inaccurate", it's more a question of  emphasis.
Will Johnon
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