[WikiEN-l] Linking Dates

Michel Vuijlsteke wikipedia at zog.org
Sat Oct 18 15:52:50 UTC 2008

2008/10/18 Zoney <zoney.ie at gmail.com>

> Just the usual problems with any decision making at Wikipedia. The paradigm
> is inherently flawed, and the word consensus is completely abused and given
> a non-standard definition at Wikipedia.
> Most decisions made on Wikipedia are *not* by consensus, according to the
> proper definition.

You don't say.

Usually a majority of discussion participants, or a dedicated group of
> individuals, get their way just through force, persuasiveness, bullying and
> wikilawyering. There are even hinderances to broadening discussion, you
> might be "canvassing".

No, really?

Hard not to grow weary, at times.


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