[WikiEN-l] Cade Metz on Mantanmoreland & Short selling

Philip Sandifer snowspinner at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 04:54:05 UTC 2008

On Oct 1, 2008, at 5:29 PM, Joe Szilagyi wrote:

> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/10/01/wikipedia_and_naked_shorting/
> Looks like that's based on some secret evidence that was turned over  
> to the
> press.

Wow. Patrick Byrne and antisocialmedia.net secretly knew all along  
that the financial crisis was going to happen.


Let's clearly label this for what it is - on one side, a bunch of  
raving psychopath sockpuppeteers who run abusive hate sites. On the  
other side, some regular strength sockpuppeteers.

Initially, we came down against the raving psychopath sockpuppeteers  
because, surprise surprise, they were by far worse behaved than the  
regular strength version. Eventually we got around to the others.

Unsurprisingly, the Register, being, you know, the Register has long  
come down on the side of the raving psychopaths.


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